Deed of Gift Agreement
In consideration of mutual benefits, ___________________________ (donor’s name), residing at ______________________________ (donor’s address) and Priscilla Leiva for the purposes of “Chavez Ravine: An Unfinished Story” enter into this agreement granting ownership, access, use, and possible disposition of the following items, fully described below:
List Attached
The donation has been received by Priscilla Liva for the purposes of “Chavez Ravine: An Unfinished Story” as a gift, without restriction, and the owner hereby gives, assigns, and conveys completely, irrevocably, and without reservation the property described in the paragraph above to Priscilla Leiva for the purposes of “Chavez Ravine: An Unfinished Story,” and assigns forever any copyright therein and the right to copyright the same. Priscilla Leiva for the purposes of “Chavez Ravine: An Unfinished Story” reserves the right to dispose of the item(s) if necessary, and as it sees fit.
Donor Signature _______________________________ Date ________________________
Printed Name _________________________________
Priscilla Leiva, “Chavez Ravine: An Unfinished Story”
_____________________________________________ Date ________________________
Donors do not receive any goods or services any good or services from Priscilla Leiva of “Chavez Ravine: An Unfinished Story” in return for gifts.
Donors will be acknowledged in news releases, exhibit labels, and other publicity resulting from the donation, unless otherwise specified.
This agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California.